"Daddy, please take off my training wheels,"

"Daddy, please take off my training wheels," Mercy hollered. She could hardly wait for me to step out of the car. She wasn't exited for nothing. She had learned to ride without them.
She took Anita’s bike before Anita came from school and managed to ride it without them. Now, Anita the eldest had messed her own bike and lured me to take of the training wheels from Mercy’s. Mercy was put in a complex predicament when she found out that her bike didn’t have training wheels on, so she took Samuels bike.
At two, Samuel can turn on the T.V. change channels and even play his favorite DVD or VHS. I don’t know where the world is taking us. When the girls go out there, he’ll be hollering and yelling to go out with them. We don’t let him out unless there is adult supervision. He can’t handle his bike yet.
Now then, Mercy reminds me of my former years with God. I used to shout out loud asking to know God’s will, and when God showed me how, I felt that I needed His help.
“Just hold on the bike until I start pedaling” Mercy pleaded. And when she started riding, she rode pretty fast and ran against the walls or tumbled down in the grass. She couldn’t stop even though I followed her closely. All I could do was pity her when she fell down. What I admired was her determination to catch up with her elder sister and ride against the wind.
I hardly watch Anita who impressed me on her quick skills the first few days. She is well able to take care of herself and even do some dangerous stunts. Of course she’s ruined her bike and is working on the second one.
Does God care for our little projects or our ability to handle the situations? “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?” Micah6:8a this verse keeps ringing in my head. The next time I ask to know Gods will. Anita and Mercy gives me a life lesson.
I wanted her to ride on her own, so I watched her fall a couple of times. Now I am glad we can ride together and feel the wind brush against our cheeks. Shout and holler at each other as we have some fun.
God shoves us on our feet, though He is watching closely. He has given us the Spirit of No fear, a sound mind, and Love. 2Tim 1:7. Guess that’s all we need. Some love from Papa and some encouragement to shove us on the way and we are good to go.
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