Everybody else in this base might be asleep on a Saturday nite after a long week of rigorous labor. I know I should too.
I am determined to get down with this jargon and know the works.
It's my first posting and so don't mind the errors, if any.
I am amazed by the potential in this tool here, we are going places in YWAM, praise God.
I am in the school of writing at YWAM Woodcrest and I guess this is a good platform to present some of our class projects.
Sometimes we do random stories in the class and it's amazing the things we all come up with, some are boring but some are really neat.
Above all when we surrender ourselves to God our writing is inspired and that's a plus.
I have an inclinaton for fictional stories, based on real life experiences. We are discovering our various strengths, and I strongly lean that way.
Some of us are naturally good narrators, some are poets, but above all we are writers.
I ran a word search in the bible concerning writing and discovered that God is a writer. All he needs is scribes and we can be his hands. He commands write in so many places from Genesis to Revelation. Can you imagine what it would have been like if nobody wrote - the Scriptures.
I kind of like Habakkuk 2:2, Make the writing plain so that the reader may run with it.
We are living in times that Truth is so misrepresented and we need a people who will re-state mistated Truth. The bible itself has been misintepreted by so many philosophies and doctrines and we need a people who will clarify the Truth.
The media has controlled the masses just because they have a platform to present their ideologies, and set up premises by which they sway to their own whims.
Sound the trumpet in zion because the pendulum is swinging again. God is handing back to the church what the devil stole, and it depends on us... what we do with it - TRUTH.
TRUTH -- Pilate asked? What is the truth?
Everybody wants to know the truth. Isn't it a great dilemma that a whole lot of people don't know the truth and choose to live in ignorance. When I couldn't learn how to use this system here, I stayed all nite to find out how it works. How so more important it is to search the Truth in the wee hours of the nite. Apply ourselves to the Truth until we know it. Truth Liberates, Truth is freedom.
Dont be scared of the truth, it may not be as bad, and as horrifying as we expect on discovery. If we discover we will recover.
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
Watch out for more postings,
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