Don’t tell me it’s not God.
"If it hadn’t been for God, we’d have been consumed; our enemy would have overtaken us and swallowed us alive." David wrote. Make’s me see that he was a real person going through real life experiences.
Today I, like David say, "If God had not been on our side let Israel say." Of a truth we’ve seen God’s mercy and provision during our time in the U.S.
I went ahead and purchased an air ticket by faith not knowing where my whole family would stay. I was living in a dormitory set-up at the YWAM Woodcrest. Of course all the other boys would not agree for me to bring my family in the ward like house with bed’s lined like a boot camp.
In Dallas my mind kept racing, "will we rent a motel for a couple of nights before we get a house or what?" One of the men I spoke to who had built a new home and left the former house told me. "Try looking for a house in Van (about 12 miles from the school), as for now my boy (who is a magician) is keeping his doves in there."
Like the Macedonian church, my family has always surprised me; they gave towards the extra monies and bills that came up concerning my family’s trip. Much appreciation goes to my In-laws who have always believed in me. I can’t forget Naph, Winnie, Lillian and all the folks that prayed for me, and supported me in various ways. My heart goes out to ya’ll and on this day let it be known that I love you big huge time.
The condition at the campus has not allowed me to write as I wish to. Life has been very fast paced and I know I have been a very poor communicator. I hope you forgive me.
This is the final week at the School of Writing and we are doing our final exam on Monday. Next week we clean up and people go to their different callings. When they asked me what I am going to do next after the School is over, I said, "I honestly don’t know. I am going to pray and ask God for the next direction." But, I am also going to write and write and sharpen my skill… some publisher may like my work who knows? I will also still be staffing at the YWAM Woodcrest, cleaning the yard and doing ground maintenance as we wait on God.
This is a good time to ask you to pray that I get a Laptop; I sincerely need one for the vocation and calling in my life. So far I have not gotten any regular support whatsoever in the U.S. zilch, nil, zero… I care not to burden my kinfolk seeing that they have such great need themselves. Pray with me that God will speak to people to support me regularly. Pray and listen as well if God will direct you to support me.
Back to the house issue. I left Dallas the next day with my family and headed like Abraham to a place I didn’t know. Thankfully YWAM Twin oaks housed us for a week while I looked for an alternative.
Finally we got this Trailer house very close to the school, with two tiny Bedrooms and one main bedroom, fully furnished with everything set just for a family like us. Of course each of my daughters got a bedroom, full of toys and their own wardrobes. We got a bed for Samuel too, and even some food left by the former tenant. My Landlord (a former mercy ship worker) said we were welcome to use the food or throw it away. How did they know we needed food too? Now tell me it wasn’t God.
All my neighbors are Christians. Their kids love coming to our house and even though my daughters are speaking very funny English they get along pretty good. The kids are out on summer break and are playing all day. There are a lot of blue berries and raspberries around the house and my wife has been picking some.

Surely God has made us settle in a foreign land and His promise is true.
Love always,
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