We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ..."
The apostle Peter now an old man brings this up to those who through the righteousness of God and saviour Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours. He knows his time in the ministry is almost up and confesses it "I will soon put aside the tent of this body..."This is the confession of a man that has embraced reality, he utters such words with finalty. He has run his race well.
It takes a lot for many of us to come to a complete rest and reliance on God. We all tend to have a plan a and b or c if deemed fit. We forget the easy instruction of Our Lord, be anxious over nothing... and we are burdened with a lot of care.
Embracing truth is living a childlike life of faith, without a care for tomorrow, having enough fun today and looking forward to another day of play.
Peter by this time has been by the fire, in the fire and presently on fire. These are the three seasons that every believer has to go through.
When he sat by that fire, he wasn't sure if he'd made the right choice. He looked at the people who questioned him restlessly and denied to have known the messiah. His friend, saviour, master and Lord.
We all get there sometime, when we are faced by challenges and feel/think that He is not on our side. Maybe it's because we made a wrong choice we think, when things dont work out the way we presumed. Often it's true, the choices we make have consequences. He doesn't leave us, He remains faithful, but we leave and like Peter we've got to come back a weeping.
Hang on bro, all you felt was the warmth of the fire, coz you will be in the fire some time. This is a time when the Lord is using you and you have repented of your sins and set your heart to follow Him, but never-the-less you face challenges. It's part of your interesting adventure, everyone has to find his way. The only place to turn to is to God.
In that jail house, he slept soundly like a baby, even though James had been beheaded, and the atmosphere was hostile, they'd all fled from Jerusalem. He'd just preached a sermon that made thousands turn to the Truth. The pharisees were aggrevated, they wielded the power of life and death. Yet he had no anxiety.
Fire consume us.

The furnace of affliction takes away all the dross that you may come out shining than pure gold. God didn't begin a shoddy work in you. He's gonna bring to completion the good work. It's time to catch - a - fire. The fire of God, indwells you when you are pursuaded, you dont just know, that you know that you know. It is beyond doubt, Your heart is set, Mind fixed and Destiny sure. You are on Fire Bro.
You accept all for the sake of Christ, come out happy to be considered worthy of the Lord. You go through what you are going through with your head lifted high. Christ will ensure that you win. He will pat your back and say, "well done good and faithful servant..."
Fire Burn.
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